"Excellence. Quality. Assurance"

Why Choose Techdyrect as Your Preferred Internet Service Provider?​

With so many internet service provider companies out there, you might be wondering what makes us any different. Here's how we stand out from the rest!

Unmatched Service

Our dedicated team is here to provide top-notch service to you right from the time of installation to any problems you might encounter along the way. We’re here to be at your utmost service!

Free Installation

You heard that right! Installation is completely free of charge. All you have to do is make a one-time payment of ₹3,500 only for your internet connection’s modem!


Paycheck coming in late? No problem! TechDyrect allows you to pay your internet bills postpaid with ease.

Hassle-free Application

With TechDyrect, you can apply for your new internet connection using soft copies of the required documents online! No hard copies required! Easy-peasy right?

Choose from our Affordable Plans below:

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